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Why It’s Time to Take Inventory of Your Garage

P090480_1z.jpegHurricane season is upon us, and with it, the opportunity for you to take inventory of your home and garage in the event of a flood, storm damage, or roof leakage. Insurance adjustors are much more likely to accurately value your goods if you have a current list of your belongings. While many people regularly update their home goods inventory, the garage is often forgotten. Garage Design Works, the Orlando garage shelves specialists, explain several scenarios in which a garage inventory may be necessary. For easier inventory management, adding storage systems such as shelves, racks, cabinets, bins, and other storage tools will keep your garage well maintained, beautiful, and easy to inventory.

  • If you experience a home break-in and items are stolen from your garage, a detailed list forwarded to the police department ensures a much more reliable chance of recovery, especially if you have compiled serial numbers on your list.
  • Home businesses run more smoothly when all hardware and inventory are accounted for tax preparation and for insurance purposes. It is also helpful to realize what you currently have on hand to properly stock inventory.
  • Garages are perfect for storing a huge quantity of paper towels purchased from a box store, but buying in advance and forgetting the paper towels are in the garage leads to excess spending. Homeowners notoriously overstock because they simply forget what they have on hand.
  • Owning multiple residences, either for rental and investment purposes or as a weekend retreat, lead to a collection of inventory in two or more locations. Determine what needs to be replicated and what should be used quickly by inventorying all locations. If it is feasible to own one lawnmower to trim the lawn on all properties, you could sell the other mowers and earn money as well as extra space.
  • Finally, tracking your inventory will assist in organizing. Once you determine what to keep and what to sell or give away, you can contact Garage Design Works to determine the best storage solution for your important items.

Keeping track of your items will ensure a more organized garage. With help from the Orlando garage shelves team at Garage Design Works, you can maintain the current level of cleanliness and neatness for years to come. Call our organizational experts today at 407-447-8890 for more information on garage solutions.